"Imago offers the possibility of developing an I and Thou relationship between parent and child, frank, connected, straightforward, deeply respectful." 

"​hank you - thank you - thank you! We recommend this workshop for ANYONE!"

What participants are saying about "Connected Parents, Thriving Kids"

" 'watched' you, Marcia, gifted teacher that you are, how you handled “students” who came late, who didn’t understand something right away, who were bogged down with “housekeeping chores”, who asked questions to which I already (smarty pants!) knew the answers to.  You were at all times patient, accepting, loving, present, attuned, attentive.  You mirrored, appreciated, acknowledged, valued and repeated information with great equanimity and loving-kindness."

"t has been illuminating to see with clarity how my wounding and issues from childhood weave their way into, inform and direct my parenting."

"he directness of the imago message, and the support that it enables us to give to parents impresses me."

"I  loved the personal stories that you sprinkled amidst the didactic material.  It added texture color, interest and concreteness." 

"Your delightful anecdotes have added a wonderful richness and depth-thank you!!"

"Marcia is an experienced and empathetic therapist and teacher, who has an extraordinary ability to tune in and connect to the ones she is working with." 

"I  have experienced the course as a shake up of consciousness…"

"One of the best workshops I've ever been to. There was a great sense of security...I found my own processing to be truly revealing. ...Skills are well taught and essential for any relationship."                                                                                           KP

"As a brilliant teacher she empowers her students and transfers her rich knowledge skillfully to them. In her interaction with her students she uses the valuable communication techniques she is teaching, providing a wonderful role model to learn from.

It is a joy to study with her every time again! 
Thank you Marcia, for your encouraging support!​"​

" think that the imago parenting approach can offer parents the opportunity to develop something they are really hungry for:  a true and deep emotional connection with their children."

"Iam loving the consistent rather than constant.  I am cherishing the mood and tenderness of imagining children being brought up with attuned parents.  I love your reminder of the “not perfect”.   What I am taking is the possibility of really making a contribution in an area that I deeply care about. 

​ I have loved every session.  I have appreciated your modeling of a warm accepting teaching style. …it is paramount to see our children.  "Building self-esteem" and "pride" have become over-emphasized over the last few decades.  When children are really seen, felt, heard and responded to appropriately from a position of emotional resonance, their sense of self is strong.  M.O.V.E. and H.O.L.D. show us how to do that.  As a writer, you might think I'd have a lot more to say...but that's really it for me.  Everything radiates from that truth."

"Marcia’s warm, engaging manner and clarity of focus has helped me track and follow and integrate the material."

"Iparticularly want to impart the message to parents in workshops the bit about it never being too late to do this healing work and come into deeper, conscious connection with our children.  This has been an incredibly healing and soothing 'truth' for me."

"More than anything else, this workshop has instilled me with hope and concrete tools for building a relationship that will last a lifetime - Thank you!" 
