- Celebrate the discovery of new insights and strengths
- Embrace your potential for growth in your relationship
- Practice new skills for being fully present
- Become your partner's best friend
Get the relationship you want
For more information:
Contact Marcia or Larry Ferstenfeld:
Phone: 248.557.8621 Cell 248.302.7843
"The single best weekend workshop presenter in our area is Marcia Ferstenfeld... She is nationally recognized for her skills and expertise... I can recommend her as the best there is!!"
-- J B
Your participation will give you:
· Greater compassion and understanding of yourself and your partner
· An understanding of the unconscious forces that attract you to your partner
· Awareness of how to use your relationship for mutual healing and fulfillment
· Ways to restore the passion, excitement and intimacy of your relationship
· An opportunity to create a mutual vision for your present and future together
This weekend seminar is designed to support couples in all phases of relationship to find their potential for growth, healing and joy. It is experiential and educational: Observe and participate in demonstrations; experience guided imageries, written exercises, communication processes, and FUN activities! Couples participate in creating a supportive group atmosphere that emphasizes partners sharing with each other. Confidentiality is maintained in a safe and comfortable environment.